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The joint raffle from Visa and TNET has already started

News 05 March 2024

Visa and TNET are offering customers the opportunity to participate in daily raffles and receive special gifts.

A user who downloads TNET's Super App before March 31 and randomly discovers a hidden gift box while scrolling through any product or service category will be eligible to receive a prize. To claim the prize, the customer must click on the gift box, then on the "Receive Gift" button, which will automatically redirect them to the payment system page. Here, they can complete a transaction of 0.01 GEL using a Visa card, and the amount will be refunded automatically.

During payment, the user can utilize the Visa card stored in the application, as well as pay with Apple Pay or Google Pay, or add a new Visa card.

In the Super App, gifts will be awarded daily across various categories, including iPhone 15 Pro Max, PlayStation, Apple Watch, Travel Voucher, and TKT FLY Voucher.

Each user is eligible to receive only one gift during the draw. For further details about the promotion, please refer to the following link: https://tnet.ge/tnetxvisa
