Currency Exchange

You can always convert currency in Terabank at the best rate.

Currency Exchange

Service benefits:

Saving money and time;
Getting quality service;
Effortless and convenient operation.

Currency may be exchanged:

Both existing and new customers may claim the special exchange rate deal at Terabank. 

Scan QR Code

Scan and order a card easily from Mobile Bank


Install Mobile Bank

Order a card
Order a card
Create a utility cart
Create a utility cart
Open an account
Open an account
Transfer funds using an ID or mobile number
Transfer funds using an ID or mobile number
Remote Services

Remote Services

Use Terabank services without leaving your home.

Conversion Structure

Conversion Structure

Conversion for a card transaction.



Become a Terabank's customer with an online registration.

Currency Exchange

Currency Exchange

Convert money at the best rate.

Google Pay

Google Pay

Simplify your payments while using Google Wallet.

Referral Program

Referral Program

Become our customer, refer your friend and get Tera Points as a present.

SMS Signature

SMS Signature

SMS code instead of signature – save time and take care of the environment.

Apple Pay

Apple Pay

Add your card to Apple Wallet and pay with just a tap.

3D Secure

3D Secure

Secure online card payments.

Card Safety

Card Safety

Protect your card from illegal operations.

Card Delivery Service

Card Delivery Service

Get a plastic card from the comfort of your home.

Change Phone Number Remotely

Change Phone Number Remotely

Change your registered phone number in Terabank from the comfort of your home.

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