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Terabank Awarded the Winning Team of the Pre-acceleration Program

News 21 February 2024

As part of our corporate social responsibility, we continue to support youth education and technological startups. Another initiative — the pre-acceleration program for young people, implemented in partnership with Ilia State University Tech Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development Center and Zoomout.

Over 6 weeks, 24 teams participating in the pre-acceleration program worked on generating and refining ideas, prototyping and validating ideas, creating a business model, obtaining financial knowledge needed to manage startups, finding investment funds, mastering grant application techniques, and preparing investment presentations for their ideas or projects. On February 16, the demo day of the program was held, and Strive was named the winner among the projects.

Strive is an online platform that facilitates mentor matching and skill improvement for gamers, while also offering opportunities for mentors seeking freelance work to monetize their skills.

Terabank awarded a cash prize of 10,000 GEL to the members of the winning team. We are pleased to be partners in this engaging and beneficial initiative, and through our incentive award, we aim to provide further encouragement to talented young individuals.
