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International Social Impact Award Program Powered by Terabank

News 06 October 2023

At Terabank, we remain committed to supporting young entrepreneurs and their endeavors as a core focus of our corporate social responsibility initiatives. As part of our ongoing commitment, we proudly partnered with the renowned Social Impact Award program organized by Impact Hub Tbilisi in Georgia.

This program provides young individuals witih invaluable educational opportunities in the realm of social entrepreneurship. This year, we witnessed the participation of approximately 70 applicants. After a rigorous evaluation, six exceptional teams were selected by our esteemed jury to embark on a two-month journey of refining their project ideas and social business concepts under the guidance of dedicated mentors. The culmination of this effort led to the identification of three remarkable winners with two chosen by our expert panel and one earning the admiration of the public through a popular vote.

Among the winning projects, we celebrate the innovative offerings of LitKid, a children's literature guide platform; Cloudcrop, a digital agronomist service, and Alioni, an online application. These visionary teams will not only receive financial support to materialize their ideas but also have the unique opportunity to attend the international summit of the Social Impact Award in Belgrade, Serbia.

Terabank takes immense pride in being associated with initiatives like the Social Impact Award, recognizing the transformative potential it holds for young individuals. We are confident that the experiences gained through participation in this program will greatly benefit these promising entrepreneurs.

Since its inception in 2017, the Social Impact Award has been a cornerstone of Impact Hub Tbilisi's efforts to foster positive change. The winning projects consistently address pressing social issues and introduce innovative solutions, embodying the spirit of social entrepreneurship at its best.
