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Investment Meeting for Technological Startups

News 20 July 2023

On July 18, Terabank held an investment meeting for Georgian technological startups together with the Axel investment management company. Existing and potential Axel members and others interested in angel investing also attended the event.

The meeting served to connect technology startups, small and medium businesses, major industry players and investors, in order to support useful partnerships and business activities. founders of tech startups presented their projects and sought to attract investments for their business development.

Among the presenters were representatives of the KovZy online restaurant platform, the first Georgian employment application Awork, the Datamind data warehouse implementation company, the Kernel online financial management platform, the Kikliko audio GIF platform, the QuickShipper online order management platform and the Agronnect agronomy platform. Axel members introduced their criteria for financing startup businesses and shared investment strategies with participants.

Before the start of the event, an activity called “elevator pitches” was held. The founders of the SAIT, Drip.ge, Pepup and Pharmaco startups tried to interest potential investors with their business ideas within a short time period on an elevator ride up to the 32nd floor of the Biltmore Hotel.

Support of small and medium-sized businesses is a strategic direction for Terabank and the investment meeting for Georgian technological startups is a part of this strategy.
