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Tera Leasing from Terabank

News 05 July 2023

Terabank and Bizon.ge launched a new product on June 28: Tera Leasing. The event was attended by our partners, representatives of the leasing industry, local and international financial institutions, the private sector and equipment suppliers.

Tera Leasing offers entrepreneurs operating in various fields the opportunity to purchase heavy machinery and equipment through leasing and conditions tailored to their needs. Leasing is a popular banking product worldwide which increases the ability for businesses to access their basic needs while also helping enterprises attain modern standards, both of which contribute significantly to a country's economic progress.

Terabank is especially pleased to be able to offer another direction in order to support small and medium-sized businesses as one of our strategic segments by offering leasing opportunities that will contribute to the development of their activities.

Tera Leasing is up and running at its branch located at 7 Sandro Euli Street in Tbilisi.
