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Saasargeblo.ge Digitization Platform B2B Meeting for Small and Medium Businesses

News 07 December 2023

The Saasargeblo.ge platform, which we created to support the digitization of small and medium-sized businesses, hosted a B2B meeting on December 6 at the Pullman Hotel.

The meeting was organized by the Innovation and Technology Agency of Georgia. The primary objective of the event was to cultivate valuable and forward-looking partnerships between SME representatives and software as a service (SaaS) companies. The overarching goals included the digital transformation of SMEs and the advancement of the SaaS ecosystem within the country.

During the event, approximately 15 SaaS companies showcased their digital products and services, highlighting their benefits and relevance to various business sectors. This served as a unique opportunity for SMEs to easily connect with startups, gaining insights into technological solutions tailored to address their specific challenges and needs. The meeting was open to businesses of all sizes and participation was free of charge. 

Saasargeblo.ge stands as a testament to our commitment to social responsibility. Serving as the younger sibling in our project portfolio, it aims to facilitate the digitization of medium-sized businesses, offering them easy access to innovative solutions that enhance their operations.
