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Promotion On Term Deposits From Terabank

News 29 September 2023

We have launched a new promotion on term deposits and are offering high-interest benefits within it. The conditions of the promotion apply to term deposits, increasing deposits, Flex deposits, child's deposits, and certificates of deposit opened in USD and Euro.

Any individual involving in the promotion has the opportunity to receive up to 4.30% (effective - up to 4.21%) interest on the deposit opened in USD and up to 3.20% (effective - up to 3.15%) on the deposit opened in Euro.

You can open a term deposit conveniently, either remotely through the bank's website, via Internet or mobile banking, or by visiting Terabank branches.

For the most up-to-date interest rates and comprehensive information, please visit the relevant deposit page:

Term deposit;

Increasing deposit;

Child's deposit;

Flex deposit;

Certificate of deposit.
