A business loan is available to both individuals, legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs, although the priority groups are:
- Women entrepreneurs;
- Young entrepreneurs;
- Startups;
- Entrepreneurs planning to invest in renewable energies and energy-efficient technologies;
- Legal entities wishing to avail of an unsecured business overdraft.
Loan Terms
An unsecured business loan can be issued in conjunction with another credit product or by using government subsidy programs.
The unsecured business loan is issued under the NASIRA guarantee program of the Netherlands Development Bank (FMO). The program aims to increase access to financial resources for micro, small, and medium businesses operating in the country. It is financed by the European Union and the government of the Netherlands.
Unsecured Business Loan Products
Based on the available income, the loan is granted to:
- Indivduals and individual entrepreneurs;
- Legal entities whose director or partner holding more than 50% of the shares is a woman.
Based on the available income, the loan is granted to:
- An Individual or an individual entrepreneur whose age is at most 35 years;
- A legal entity whose founder or director is at most 35 years old.
Existing income is not mandatory to be granted the Start-Up loan. It can be approved based on forecasted income.
An unsecured business overdraft is issued to legal entities based on bank turnover only.
A business eco loan is issued based on existing income to a natural person, legal entity, or individual entrepreneur whose investments serve:
- Energy saving;
- Acquisition of renewable energies;
- Positive impact on the environment and protection from air pollution;
- Increasing the availability of energy-efficient devices or renewable energy technologies;
- Production of energy-efficient products or technologies necessary for obtaining renewable energy and trading in such technologies.