Service Terms:
- Accept payments with Visa / Mastercard plastic cards issued by Georgian and foreign banks;
- Pre-authorization method - the transaction amount will be blocked and written off from the customer's account (s) only after confirmation by the company;
- With maximum secure technology – with 3D Secure security service;
- Detailed information on transactions;
- Transaction amount transfer period - 3 business days;
- Easy integration;
- Constant technical support;
- Online store is accessible 24/7.
On VISA/MC cards issued by a Georgian bank | 2.5% | |
On VISA/MC cards issued by a foreign bank | 2.5% | |
Authorization fee | 0 | |
Chargeback fee | $25 | |
Request for information | $5 | |
Chargeback appeal | $25 | |
Payment System Arbitrage | $500 | |
Integration fee | according to the rates of the service company. | |
Minimum and variable provision balance on the account | as agreed based on the turnover |
Frequently Asked Questions
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Can I activate the service online?
No, you need to visit a Terabank branch to receive the service.
Do I need to have a website?
Yes, a website is required to receive e-commerce services.

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